Advisor to Urban Institute’s Education Data Explorer
Jared is proud to serve on the advisory board for the Urban Institute’s Education Data Explorer. If you use data from the U.S. Department of Education, you are going to love this new tool. The team at Urban Institute has taken the hodge-podge of flat files, build-a-table tools, and links to data sources on the ED homepage and...
Advisor for Tableau’s Racial Equity Data Hub

Jared is thrilled to be one of five inaugural advisors for the Racial Equity Data Hub, an ambitious and existing new initiative led by the Tableau Foundation. From the website: Tableau Foundation is hosting the Racial Equity Data Hub to share insights from leading experts at the intersection of data and equity issues, and to inspire...
Advisor for Geospatial Neighborhood Analysis Package

Jared is happy to serve as an advisor for the Geospatial Neighborhood Analysis Package (geosnap) initiative. Civilytics often works with groups that want to understand data for their neighborhood, defined at a local level, not by how the Census has divvied up tracts. One of geosnap's important goals is to make modeling bespoke neighborhoods and...
Prison Gerrymandering on Reveal

Podcast from the national radio show Reveal featuring analysis from Civilytics on prison gerrymandering in Wisconsin, which distorts communities' political representation because of residential segregation and disparities in incarceration.
Readings in Ethical Data Science

Readings on data analysis, data science, and artificial intelligence. Intended to spark new ideas and prompt critical thinking about organizations' data system design.
Kaggle Data Science for Good – Center for Policing Equity

Civilytics won second prize (and learned a lot) in this competition focused on automating the combination of police data, census-level data, and other shapefiles for the Center for Policing Equity.

This data simulation package creates realistic synthetic data that allows users to collaborate across agencies without privacy concerns or the need for a data sharing agreement, while writing code that can then be translated back to the original data.
R Training

Civilytics provides R training ranging from single workshop introductions to R to advanced R training on spatial data analysis, web application development with Shiny, predictive analytics and more. The 'model and coach' approach is central to many of Civilytics' trainings.
R Bootcamp
This page archives one of the earliest R trainings put together by Jared. Since this project was completed in 2012 there have been many changes in R and a proliferation of wonderful open-access learning tools to learn R. These are provided here to document the history of this work, but we have more modern training...
Related Projects
Freshmen Recruitment and Admissions Intelligence System

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Delivery of State-provided Predictive Analytics to Schools: Wisconsin’s DEWS and the Proposed EWIMS Dashboard

Situates the Wisconsin Dropout Early Warning System in the context of national models of predictive analytic systems in education, including a focus on the Early Warning Implementation Monitoring System (EWIMS).
Education Early Warning Systems

The award-winning Wisconsin Dropout Early Warning System was co-developed with educators to ensure that the sophisticated enterprise scale machine-learning provides schools with a timely list of students who should be considered for additional support and attention.
Building an Accurate Statewide Dropout Early Warning System in Wisconsin

Describes the Wisconsin Dropout Early Warning System (DEWS), a predictive model of student dropout risk for students in grades 6-9. Explains how DEWS' publicly available software modules can be applied to new data and outcomes.